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Friday, April 30, 2010

The Human Heart

The human heart is an organ that lies within the thoracic cavity. It sits within the mediastinum within the fibrous pericardium, within the parietal and visceral pericardium.

The human heart beats. It beats to pump blood to the lungs, to the body. The human heart relaxes. It relaxes to receives blood from the lungs, from the body and from the human heart itself. Endlessly, day and night it gives and receives.

Just so occasionally, the human heart gives more than blood to the body of which it belongs. Just the little bit more. The little bit more that makes the heart become tachycardic whenever the right person appears, walks by or get talks about. The little bit more that makes the heart become even more tachycardic whenever the right person speaks to the body. The little bit more that that makes the body smile and gaze at the right person in front. The little bit more that makes the brain goes fuzzy and uncertain.

And because the brain goes fuzzy and uncertain with thousands of thoughts and emotions shouting out in the brain, the human heart increases in inotropy and chronotropy. This is the increase that makes things worst. It makes the brain go fuzzier and more uncertain. It makes the brain become distracted and not listen to others when spoken too. This is detrimental. It really is. It makes the brain look stupid, sound stupid and act stupid. It makes others feel that the brain is stupid but worst it makes others feel unheard, unappreciated, unimportant. And this is detrimental too. It really really is. It makes the human heart feels guilty. What's done was not intentional. What's done wasn't even meant to be done. It makes the human heart awkward. This awkward human heart makes the brain make the body do awkward things. This awkward things pushes the person and others away from the body. Eventually, the body gets nothing, the brain gets nothing, the human heart gets nothing too.

Here is what the brain should do when the human heart starts to give the little bit more than blood to the body of which it resides.

The brain should kindly tell the heart that it is not going to work. The little bit more should be allowed to now be diluted in the blood and the body. The dilution that is required to put the past behind.

Now this would work because then the brain would not do stupid and awkward things. The stupid and awkward things the pushes others away. But more importantly, the stupid and awkward things that pushes the right person away. This means that although the heart and brain and body does not exactly what they wanted, they would at least get something slightly close to what they want. After all, a little of it, is better than none of it. This is the little bit that gives that little bit of hope, that little bit of inspiration , that little bit of everything that makes everything seem right, that little bit that makes the long and gloomy day ahead go by a little bit faster, a little bit brighter and that little bit that makes the day end with a little bit of smile.
That little bit that the human heart gives.That little bit.

Now that the week have ended, it's a new week that needs focus. It's time to make the little bit a little bit more little. So little that it is just the right amount to make things right, to stay on track, to reach the goal before allowing the little bit to increase.

So here is what I'm going to do, I'm going to study, work hard and make sure that I'm right on track. Because this is the only way to get the little bit extra in my future, my life, my surrounding.


1 comment:

  1. Last week, someone asked "Why don't girls just go and tell a guy she likes him if they really like and has a crush on them?" (not asking me specifically, there was 2 other girls in the room)

    Above is my answer to your question.
