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Monday, April 5, 2010

The holiday that they are unwilling to give us

Happy Easter everyone!!!!

Thursday to Wednesday have been my Easter break holidays. The Tuesday before breaking up for the holidays we had an Easter egg hunt around the hostel. I found 5 eggs, 3 small and 2 medium, scoring a total of 7 points for my house. Yeah!!! Great improvement from last year when I only found 1 medium egg. Haha.

So how did I spent my Easter break you may ask. Studying for my mid semester exams of course. The Tuesday after Easter break is my mid semester exam and it includes materials that will be covered on Monday. The day before the exam.

I've also got an essay on ethical and professional pressures of community care for palliative patients. That's due on the Friday after my exam. Thankfully, I decided to do my first draft even before the pressure of my mid semester exam fall on me. So I guess I'm only going to start editing after my exams. There is probably heaps to edit but at least I've got something out. Some of my classmate have yet to even began the essay.

Then there is the ever anticipated rural week. Swansea, Tasmania, watch out, my team is coming your way and we want to learn heaps from you and your rural-ness. So that puts another dish on my plate being the team leader for my group. At least I have managed to ensure that everyone would be transported to Swansea. Yup, we need to managed our own transport for a school trip. I also managed to get the team to decide on the topic for our health promotion event. It's going to be along the line of biopsychosocial model of health. Teaching that to primary school kids, we decided to bring along a lot of goodies for them to help them remember what they are taught. Details for that is yet to be settled so we will probably have another meeting after exams. Plus there is a need to wait for reply from the lecturer in charge.

Today is my pharmacology day. I'm going to split it into 3 days. Remembering drug names and how to spell them is not easy. The paper is MCQs and EMQs. Scary, it means that I would be either right or wrong. No more in-betweens like SAQs has.Guess I will need to re-study for my mid semester exams when I'm done with my pharmacological quota for today.

Not much of a holiday when you are being given so much to do.


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