Average Living.
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Friday, April 30, 2010

The Human Heart

The human heart is an organ that lies within the thoracic cavity. It sits within the mediastinum within the fibrous pericardium, within the parietal and visceral pericardium.

The human heart beats. It beats to pump blood to the lungs, to the body. The human heart relaxes. It relaxes to receives blood from the lungs, from the body and from the human heart itself. Endlessly, day and night it gives and receives.

Just so occasionally, the human heart gives more than blood to the body of which it belongs. Just the little bit more. The little bit more that makes the heart become tachycardic whenever the right person appears, walks by or get talks about. The little bit more that makes the heart become even more tachycardic whenever the right person speaks to the body. The little bit more that that makes the body smile and gaze at the right person in front. The little bit more that makes the brain goes fuzzy and uncertain.

And because the brain goes fuzzy and uncertain with thousands of thoughts and emotions shouting out in the brain, the human heart increases in inotropy and chronotropy. This is the increase that makes things worst. It makes the brain go fuzzier and more uncertain. It makes the brain become distracted and not listen to others when spoken too. This is detrimental. It really is. It makes the brain look stupid, sound stupid and act stupid. It makes others feel that the brain is stupid but worst it makes others feel unheard, unappreciated, unimportant. And this is detrimental too. It really really is. It makes the human heart feels guilty. What's done was not intentional. What's done wasn't even meant to be done. It makes the human heart awkward. This awkward human heart makes the brain make the body do awkward things. This awkward things pushes the person and others away from the body. Eventually, the body gets nothing, the brain gets nothing, the human heart gets nothing too.

Here is what the brain should do when the human heart starts to give the little bit more than blood to the body of which it resides.

The brain should kindly tell the heart that it is not going to work. The little bit more should be allowed to now be diluted in the blood and the body. The dilution that is required to put the past behind.

Now this would work because then the brain would not do stupid and awkward things. The stupid and awkward things the pushes others away. But more importantly, the stupid and awkward things that pushes the right person away. This means that although the heart and brain and body does not exactly what they wanted, they would at least get something slightly close to what they want. After all, a little of it, is better than none of it. This is the little bit that gives that little bit of hope, that little bit of inspiration , that little bit of everything that makes everything seem right, that little bit that makes the long and gloomy day ahead go by a little bit faster, a little bit brighter and that little bit that makes the day end with a little bit of smile.
That little bit that the human heart gives.That little bit.

Now that the week have ended, it's a new week that needs focus. It's time to make the little bit a little bit more little. So little that it is just the right amount to make things right, to stay on track, to reach the goal before allowing the little bit to increase.

So here is what I'm going to do, I'm going to study, work hard and make sure that I'm right on track. Because this is the only way to get the little bit extra in my future, my life, my surrounding.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rural Week

Just returned from my rural week in rural Tasmania Swansea. It was a great week away from Hobart, giving me a break from the normal schooling schedules of lectures, tutorials and laboratory practical. I learnt so much more through immersing myself with the community, having quality conversations with the community members, and understanding the way the community work and the difficulties and issues that the community face then all the community health lectures put together.

My days was spent with my CBL (case based learning group) and we met many local people, including health care professionals, allied health workers, and various local leaders and community members, in Swansea. They shared their stories and experience with us, gave us a tour of their town, and more importantly, made the group feel part of the community. People in Swansea are really friendly, they greet you when you walk by them in the streets. They are really appreciative of the services available to them and our interest in the community.

We were invited to join local community programs that is organised in conjunction of health promotions. In this program, people talked about everything to each other and gave advice when an issue is raised. This opportunity really showed us the community spirit of a small (population: 600-700) rural community such as Swansea, the community spirit that dosen't exsit in a large urban city.

The local GPs, there is only 2 of them to serve the whole community, was a great inspiration to me. They were able to be the community's doctor, community's friends, a teacher of the local community school and parents at the same time. They were able to do all of this and yet maintain a healthy professional distance from patients who are members of the community. The effort that they put in to become part of the community and change the community for the better is amazing.

The week away from the rest of the cohort gave the 9 of us many opportunities to know each other better. We did things together as a team. This allowed us to know each other's strengths, knowledge and experiences which assisted in getting more out of the week as a group. Most of our gatherings ended in conversations regarding medical things such as ethics, communication, or just clinical science topics. Otherwise, it was about Swansea and how we felt about particular events of the trip. This is what happens when a group of medical students get together. When we love what we learn, we don't stop talking about it because it is part of who we are and what we are going to be.

Of course there was a bit of school gossip and sharing of issues that we experienced with others in the cohort. It is good that these issues are brought up as we helped each other to understand what the other party could be experiencing or intending that resulted in the conflicts. A beach bon fire with marshmallows and chocolate ripple biscuits, along with a game of "I've never ever..." brought up a lot of information and experiences about the team members. Information that would not have been shared if this week didn't happened. Overall, we all had a great time and bonded with each other, changing our perception of some individuals.

The great week away had went well and ended. This leaves me with my rural week journal, rural week reflective essay, and my rural week group report and evaluation to be completed. Whatever happens in Swansea stays in Swansea.

The refreshing week in Swansea with the team refreshed me. The refreshed me is now ready to get back into school and learn more things to help me be a better doctor and a better person.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mini Holiday

Essay submitted, mid semester exam results out. I did ok I guess, given that the paper is difficult.

Had my placement in the cardiothoracic pre assessment ward. It's good as expected. Got quizzed by the head nurse on the type of blood tests that is done.I know everything except BSL. How silly to know all the complicated things and not know Blood Sugar Level. I think I probably flushed when she told me what it is. Guess BSL just didn't connect to Blood sugar level then. Met the plumber (the surgeon calls himself a plumber with the heart being a pump and all) who is going to do the valve replacement. Just learnt that they tend to use cow valve for males and pig valve for females. That was interesting. Meet the gas man too. He just ask about allergy and stuff from previous experience. He also explain how they use head dots to monitor the function of the patient's brain to ensure that the patient stays asleep. Had 2 cups of chocolate during the talking from the physiotherapist, and heartbeat tasmania people. The chocolate was shouting 'DRINK ME!! DRINK ME!!" The result of not having breakfast before rushing for placement.

I just accumulate a stack of lecture that I have to review because of the exam and assigment and placement. Got to go do them. Meant to start yesterday but I fell asleep after chatting to my dad on the phone. I chat on phone on my bed. Didn't wake up till my brother came knocking and it was too late to do any work then. Seeing that I stayed two late nights in a row to review my essay, I'm better of sleeping then.

Up next: Rural week!!!

Yes !!! Something that resemble a holiday at last. Of course there is the planning to do, people to ring up, preparation and packing. But after all this assignments and exams, I really want Rural week. It's going to be great because my team is cool and we are going to Swansea which is cooler still.

Will be next week till I blog. No internet in our accomadation.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The aftermath of a mid semester exam

Had my mid semester exam yesterday. It was difficult. We actually really had 100 questions to answer. 69 multiple choice and 31extended matching questions. Found that I made heaps of mistake in it but it's too late. I actually had the right answer for some and then decided to change them. If only I had left them alone. But it's done. There's nothing I can do about this exam other then to wait for results.

So with this exam done, I had to jump into planning for the rural week and organise things. Only half the team showed up for the meeting today. Which was dissapointing but we got things done.

Rushing the gather and edit my essay that is due on Friday. It also happens to be the day that I would be on the Cardiothoracic ward pre assessment placement too. That should be interesting.

Need to go get things done now.


Monday, April 5, 2010

The holiday that they are unwilling to give us

Happy Easter everyone!!!!

Thursday to Wednesday have been my Easter break holidays. The Tuesday before breaking up for the holidays we had an Easter egg hunt around the hostel. I found 5 eggs, 3 small and 2 medium, scoring a total of 7 points for my house. Yeah!!! Great improvement from last year when I only found 1 medium egg. Haha.

So how did I spent my Easter break you may ask. Studying for my mid semester exams of course. The Tuesday after Easter break is my mid semester exam and it includes materials that will be covered on Monday. The day before the exam.

I've also got an essay on ethical and professional pressures of community care for palliative patients. That's due on the Friday after my exam. Thankfully, I decided to do my first draft even before the pressure of my mid semester exam fall on me. So I guess I'm only going to start editing after my exams. There is probably heaps to edit but at least I've got something out. Some of my classmate have yet to even began the essay.

Then there is the ever anticipated rural week. Swansea, Tasmania, watch out, my team is coming your way and we want to learn heaps from you and your rural-ness. So that puts another dish on my plate being the team leader for my group. At least I have managed to ensure that everyone would be transported to Swansea. Yup, we need to managed our own transport for a school trip. I also managed to get the team to decide on the topic for our health promotion event. It's going to be along the line of biopsychosocial model of health. Teaching that to primary school kids, we decided to bring along a lot of goodies for them to help them remember what they are taught. Details for that is yet to be settled so we will probably have another meeting after exams. Plus there is a need to wait for reply from the lecturer in charge.

Today is my pharmacology day. I'm going to split it into 3 days. Remembering drug names and how to spell them is not easy. The paper is MCQs and EMQs. Scary, it means that I would be either right or wrong. No more in-betweens like SAQs has.Guess I will need to re-study for my mid semester exams when I'm done with my pharmacological quota for today.

Not much of a holiday when you are being given so much to do.
