Average Living.
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tidy it up

This weekend was my last weekend home for my summer break. The norm would probably going out with a BANG. Right? No, mine didn't.

Since forever, I spent at least every other weekend being asked by my parents to tidy up my room. Even now, they still do that. So guess what I did this weekend? Tidy up my room. Alright, fair enough that my room was messy and they had been nagging for at least a few days already. Being me, my reply was 'wait' or 'tommorrow'. So I guess today they really wanted it done, with chinese new year and all. So dad was like " KATHLEEN!!! Go tidy up your room before you do anything else. I will be checking your room in an hour." I just stood there frozen, can't believe that my room actually still gets check on. "Clock's ticking child." I scooted after hearing that cause I know that with my room, Ha, no way it can be finished in an hour.

Anyway, I just packed and packed and put stuff away or throw them out. Lucky I didn't just push my stuff under the bed. It felt like I barely started and then there was a knock on the door and the door was opening. Room check. Oh dear, not yet finish. So I gathered everything that I haven't finished packing, pull out my suitcase from under the bed, open the suitcase, drop the unpack things into the suitcase, shut the suitcase then push it back under the bed. No one the wiser.

So in come dad, checking my room, making sure it's tidy enough. Even under my bed was checked to see if I just shoved everything under. Just as I thought that I escaped trouble, my suitcase got pulled out and opened.

Unbelievable. How did he know? No way. It's impossible. Time froze. Dad looked at me like he was trying to read my mind. I nearly cry. Nearly.

In the end, my family went out for lunch without me. Dad was like "You will be staying here and be tidying up your room. The right way. Not hidding stuff around. I will check when we get back." So they left. I return to the remaining bits of tidying up my room, and even mopping the floor.

I suppose that they when out for quite some time cause I got woken up when dad came knocking on my door again. He came in to check that my room was neat and tidy enough. After which I stroll to the kitchen and found out that nothing was packed for me, just as I feared. It was probably quite obvious from my expression. Dad was like " Maybe you shouldn't have tried to lie to me." Opps, I'm still not out of hot water. What do you want me to say? After a while, I went "Sorry dad, I freaked out. Didn't really mean it that way." Then there was silence, silence and then he went to the biscuit tin and took out a packet of butter cracker and gave it to me. "Lunch." He said. I took it and went off munching it. It's not that bad but a lunch out with everyone would still be better though.

That was the end of it. Can you believe it? I'm so messy that I still get my room checked, at my age. Ohh, well. At least Dad cares enough to check on me.


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