Average Living.
Is it still average? What's average?
Your one and only source to the average life of mine.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seasons Greetings

I just got back from a short trip to Singapore. What I noticed is that the Christmas mood is just everywhere. Fancy lighting, sales, giveaways, Christmas related competition and events, Christmas decorations. Wow!! But guess what, its like this regardless of the type of festival that is being celebrated since Singapore is multi-racial country that is 'democratic'. They have to treat every type of people equally and have to celebrate all the different type of festive seasons.

This I remember, is what I am always thankful for whilst still studying in Singapore. This meant that I get lots of public holidays. No student complains about getting an extra day off school. Never. But more importantly, it also really meant that I get to learn about other's culture and 'celebrate' with them too.

Anyways, just want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a happy new year.


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Just sitting in my living room with my laptop on my lap and playing with it and suddenly thought about blogging about this. Not that I know why I suddenly thought of doing so.

Anyway, do you have or had secrets? I'm not talking about secrets like those that you tell your friends not to tell or any otherwise. I'm talking about the type of secrets that is kept deep deep down in yourself. Secrets that are conjured from no where and wouldn't leave. Secrets that sometimes you would deny that they are your secrets but it just keeps coming back to haunt your thoughts. Secrets about stuff that you hope that no one will ever ever find out. Secrets that the thought of telling someone about it would not even cross your mind.

I know I do.


Sunday, December 13, 2009


Where is home to you?

Well, to me, home is anyway my family is. As long as they are around me regardless if they are minding their own business or other people's business, my family is my home.

After all, you can't deny the truth that there really just isn't anyone that can replace the role of your parents or even your annoying big brother who always tease you. They are special individuals who watch you grow up, play with you and regardless of what harm you have done or how angry you make them, they just forget it in like 5 secs. That is inclusive of telling on your brother. Amazing.

The thing is, it works the other way too. Whenever my brother gets me in trouble or make me do something for him, I grumble and complaint but do it anyway. Why? He is my brother. If I don't help him, who would right? Or whenever my parents go "because I tell you so" after a verbal match from my side of 'why', I may be angry for a little while then I still go do it. Why? Because my parents tell me to and if I don't listen to them, who would I listen to.

So, home to me is where my family is. I enjoy the time over my summer vaction of when I am just sitting in the living room with my whole family. We wern't doing anything in particular together. Just sitting together, typing away on our laptop and minding our own business, like now. But it still feels good just with the sense of each other around.

The catch is, the moment I leave for school again, I will be dearly missing this feeling and be lonely for another 8 months. Of course there is school work to keep my mind busy so that I don't really become homesick. On the plus side however, the time away from my family makes my value them more each time I return home.

Do you reckon too?


Saturday, December 12, 2009


As mentioned, it has been ages since I truely blogged. This resulted in a lot of lost contacts and communication. Hence, I feel that an update on me is definitely in order. Not only for those that haven't heard from me for a long time but also for those who are new to me to get an inside of my past.

I am just an average 18 years old girl who grew up in Singapore. I lived in the East side of Singapore. But since Singapore is not that big, it isn't far from anywhere else.

I started attending school when I was 2+ years old just like most Singaporean kids.

Schools I attended includes:
YMCA Tampines (Singapore)
Qiaonan Primary School (Singapore)
Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School (Singapore)
Murdoch College (Perth, Western Australia)
University of Tasmania - Med II (Hobart, Tasmania)

After finishing Secondary 3, I left Singapore to join Murdoch College in Year 11. So , yeah, I don't have 'O' levels. Instead, I sat Tertiary Entrance Exam (TEE) in WA and got my butt into med school in Tassie a year ahead of my classmates back in Singapore.

Regardless of the schools I attended, I met various individuals and made friends. Some lasted and some not. No matter, it was still an experience to experience.

Every since leaving Singapore, my family moved to Malaysia and hence, I now spent majority of my summer vacation in Malaysia. Like any average family, we go on family trips to various places. Afterall, we really get to get together only once a year.

Of course I don't only study. Like most other kids in Singapore, I play the piano and pipa, danced ballet and play sports. I go fishing, diving, sailing, play basketball and go cycling when I am free and that the weather is fine. Ever since leaving for Aussie, I released how much I like Asian food and its uniqueness. Guess we always take things for granted till it's no longer easily available.

Currently, I am on a much deserved 4 months worth of summer vacation from med school and would be starting year 2 next year. Just contemplating if I should start reading up on my vacation before class starts. Maybe just a little when I get bored.

I guess this is all you get for now.


End of Set Up

I am going to call this the end of my first day of my new blog.

For thoes of you who found here and actually know me but don't see your name linked. Please contact me and I will attempt to do it asap. I will try to improve the blog overtime but for now it will stay as it is till I find something I find something I like and is pretty.

Another story from a long time ago. This time, its in chinese and in fact it is the last story I wrote in chinese . Hence, my apologies to thoes who can't read it. Enjoy.




A story written a long time ago

This is my new blog. New, indeed, as I lost my last blog. Of course a new one is fine but there are stories from my old blogs that are worth taking along with me. Here is one. Enjoy.


A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert.
During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone


The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."