Average Living.
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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Flying by time

I remember when I was little, my parents always went " Kathleen, time is flying by so hurry up and stop wasting it, we need to get that little butt of yours to school !!!" I still laugh whenever I think of it and they still tell me that though no longer rushing me to school, just everything else. Heehee.

However, they are not too wrong are they. It does really "fly" and goes zoom, thats it. You miss it, it's gone, never coming back anymore. Making things worst, is that it goes by, then you realise that you did something wrong, or that you could have done it better. But there is really nothing you can do about what you did, the harm is done, other then plan what you are going to do to correct it or at least make it not that wrong. This is not always possible though, as most of us would figure it out that it's probably years too late, to the extend that sometimes, no one else other then yourself seems to remember it.

So, I'm just thinking, from now on, I'm going to stop wasting time, and make the most out of it. At least as much as I can. Idling from time to time is unavoidable. Gives me an imagined spaced to be me and figure things out.

That's me though, you?


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