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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Irony of Medicine When Medical Students Are Involved

Alright, so this is my second week of attachment with the hospital. There is basically only 1 patient for the entire day and I've been here since 7:30am. So I've been sitting in the patient waiting area next to the magazine stand and finished reading all the magazines on it, which includes the Malaysian Medical Journal and Newsweek. So eventually when I ran out of material to entertain myself, a thought came to mind and I'm sharing it with you.

If you ever find yourself or someone you know that has to go to the hospital. Blame the medical students. Here is why.

When a medical student has nothing to do, he/she gets bored. So all he/she can do is sit around. So we sometimes get so bored that we wished that someone gets hurt or fall ill enough to get them to the hospital. This way, we get something to do and something to learn. Make sense?

So if you or someone turn up to the hospital and there are medical students involved, you would know who to glare at momentarily to blame them, especially if the hospital is quite. But don't stare too long though. We would get scared and trust me, sometimes, medical students are the ones who would be really helpful because we ask loads of questions that make the doctor more careful about treating the patient. So when we get scared, we either shut up or drop off the case and hope for another one.

Anyway, I was half way through that top part of this post when I got picked up to go see a laparoscopic appendectomy. It is awesome. Plus I learnt how to make stitches, put in a urinary catheter and reasons to why certain things or material are used. On top of that, a ride home. But I think the most important thing that I learnt today is to always be polite to people around you, especially your surgical team and superiors. Want to know why? Because when you are polite, have a nice smile, and listen to all the things they say even when it's not related, they see it, know it and remember it. It has to be genuine though, otherwise they know it too. So when there is something nice and interesting, they push it your way, and you learn some really good stuff. Of course, you just have to be around at the right place at the right timing too.


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