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Monday, December 6, 2010

First Overseas Hospital Attachment

Alright, for those who actually follows my blog, which I doubt there is many if any, sorry about the lack of posting. School has been pretty busy with school work and exams, and soon enough, wosh, it's summer break again. Yay to summer break.

So latest update on my side, hmm, lets start with, I passed second year of med school, so that's good. This means that I'm promoted to third year, moving from pre clinical to clinical, which is kind of a big move, not as big as going from being a medlet to a doctor though. Haha. Plenty to look forward to then. So next semerster I would be considered junior senior. Like the group of little seniors who think they are so smart because they can give advice to the first and second years , actually know what they are talking about, and tell them to just hang in there because they will miss it when it passes.

Next, I have been selected to be one of the 30 medical students to represent Australia in the East Asian Medical Student Conference in Bangkok, Thailand. It is a week long of conference stuffs ( more like half day conference and half day touring), and it is about adolescent health. Plus, I'm the youngest in the team (pretty sure), and helping to write the paper which was selected as the top 10 finalist to present in the conference itself. And I have a foot in the public poster design. Haha. So I'm going to Bangkok for the conference and a quick holiday just the week before school actually starts.

Lastly, I am currently on my first overseas hospital attachment. I am learning from consultants in the Senawang Specialist Hospital in Senawang, Malaysia. They are all awesome people there and I am learning heaps. Probably more then what clinical skills taught in school. I feel so fortunate to be able to be there. So for the next four weeks, I would be pretty busy learning some real hospital things and seeing real patients, real results and real x-rays. No more make belief ones that I have to lie to myself that they are real cases in school. Plus, we start to have real patients in school next year too.

On the down side though, I missed out on a trip to east Africa as I chose to do the attachment. It's worth it though. Africa won't be teaching me much medical stuffs, probably end up with a mind ready for engineering school instead. Haha. There is always next time to get to Africa and see Victoria Fall and all the cool, wild animals. Perhaps I should start planning a two months trip to go around Africa. Not enough though but thats as much summer as I get.There is apparently so many that you see giraffe on the high way being accidentally road killed. Ohh, do you know, in Africa, only individuals who are lucky gets selected to work over time. Interesting.

Last, thing for real, for those who just missed me, I actually just left Singapore a week ago. Will be in Singapore over the Christmas season though.

I just that's all for now.
Till next time, probably after my attachment to tell you all the cool things I did.


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