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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone !!!!

Well, this would be my 4th Chinese New Year away from home. Have to have my family's reunion dinner a day earlier. It was a feast. Chinese New Year is really quite in Australia. It's not so bad in the bigger cities like Perth, Mel or Sydney. In Tas, however, it's none existance. We need a bigger Chinese population to make it here. Can't stand it, too quite. Still it's Chinese New Year. Hopefully, I get to spent mine next year back home.

Came to uni today to make my uni ID. We've got to make one every year. This year, I'm orange in the picture, and I look like I've shrunk. Last year was green. Let's see if I get to be blue, purple and yellow for my next few cards, then I would have the whole collection.

Bought my things that I would be needing for the new semester. Except for scalper blades though, will get them when school starts since the new building is in the city near the medical store.

Hostel's internet is up and running though we would be changing to hard wire in a bit. Just collected my last addition to my room, co-op bookshop calender poster. Good thing to paste on my wall. Look good and its useful. Guess we are not having monday pasta night anymore. Thankfully. Hate thoes pasta, especially the red ones. Sun's out, yet to do lundry.

Happy Chinese New Year!! (It last for 15 days)


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha. i have EXACTLY the same co-op calender poster stuck on my wall ahahaha.
