Average Living.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

The New Year 2010

It's once again another New Year. Well, I know its kind of late but i really just got home from my holidays.

Anyways, a new year, a new begining right? So like another average girls, I am going to write a new year resolution list.

1) Study consistanly and not leave it to the last mintue.
2) Get HD for the upcoming semesters.
3) Know my classmates names, cause they seems to know mine.
4) Be well organised in my time managment.
5) Clock in at least 2-3 hours of study after school at night after dinner and shower so that I won't need to spend my weekends catching up on all the work.
6) Be ahead of my lectures and actually do my homework.
7) Make my weekend runs a longer distance than it was.
8) Lose weight!!! (This may be easy given the hostel food)
9) Be nice to people even when I don't feel like being nice. (It's not really fair to them sometimes and I do feel bad about it)
10) Go to bed early so that I don't fall asleep in class the next day.

Wow! Guess I got alot to work on and the issue is that it wasn't difficult to come up with them.
Oh well, I may actually print it out and paste on my whiteboard so that I actually work on it.

To anyone who have a list already, good luck sticking to it. I will try my best to stick to mine. To those who don't, maybe you should go write one.

Well, now I shall be starting to read my textbooks for the upcoming semester. Second year is afterall said to be the hardest year of all. But it is still holiday, so I will just take it slow and warm up a little till school starts.


1 comment:

  1. jonathan here, still reading your blog yo. so keep updating!!!
